It's now a few hours past midnight, which means I leave for Europe in just over two days. The fact that this trip is so close is starting to sink in, it feels real for the first time since I began planning this trip in December. To think that I'll be in Brussels eating Belgian waffles Thursday morning is exciting and maybe a little nerve racking. However, I really can't wait. This should be one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
This brings me to the subject of the blog, which I've decided to call the Average Yank Travel Blog. My trip to Europe, which will last about a month and take me through multiple countries, will be a set of experiences of a 20-something American tourist, hence the name. I go not as a student or for work; I go without a rigid itinerary or sizable amount of money to spend; essentially I will be a less than noteworthy American in Europe. I don't know if my travel stories will be particularly interesting, but the purpose of this blog is to document my experiences for anyone interested in following my travels as well as for myself.
While in Europe, it is not entirely clear how readily internet access will be. I'll try to update this blog as often as I can, but it will not likely be every day. So check back during the coming weeks for sporadic tales of travel, cuisine, intrigue, culture, and humor; with a large amount of pictures accompanying.
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